JB Spatial Project Delivery Framework

Project Delivery Framework

We believe project management is much more than just the tasks carried out by a project manager.

At JB Spatial we believe that project management is much more than the tasks carried out by a project manager. Project management is a combination of the roles and responsibilities of individuals assigned to the project, the organisational structure that sets out clear reporting arrangements and the set of processes to deliver the required outcome. Project management ensures that everyone involved knows what is expected of them and helps to keep cost, time and risk under control.

This is illustrated in the following diagram which shows the generic stage structure for a larger project (the project life cycle). The product life cycle starts with the initial idea, includes any feasibility study, project planning and project delivery, continues through to the operation of the product (when benefits are realised), and finishes with the decommissioning of the product when it comes to the end of its usefulness.

Project Delivery Framework

Experience has shown that projects are inherently at risk – through overrunning on time and cost and/or failing to deliver a successful outcome. Such failures are almost invariably caused by:

  • Poor project definition by the project’s owner, perhaps because of insufficient consultation with stakeholders or their failure to be specific about requirements and desired outcomes.
  • Lack of ownership and personal accountability by senior management
  • Inadequately skilled and experienced project personnel.
  • Inadequate reporting arrangements and decision-making.
  • Inconsistent understanding of required project activities, roles and responsibilities.
Project management helps to reduce and manage risk. It puts in place an organisation where lines of accountability are short and the responsibilities of individuals are clearly defined. Its processes are clearly documented and repeatable, so that those involved in the project can learn from the experiences of others.

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